Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Kobani Needs Your Support Now

The besieged city of Kobani has resisted the onslaught of Islamic State. Women and men of Kobani have been fighting the Islamic State in defense of their city, home and dignity.
Winter is coming; harsh weather, shortage of food and medicine and Turkish blockade of supply and resources to civilian and defenders of Kobani are as dangerous as Islamic States attacks.
In order to avoid another tragedy, we need to raise our voice and demand that Turkish government lift its blockade of Kobani immediately, and allow free flow of support for the people of Kobani.
Turkish rulers must realize, if Kobani falls, they are responsible in the face of a humanitarian crisis, and will be liable in the international criminal court.

We urge everyone, to raise their voice by calling the following numbers and emailing these authorities and letting them know, people will not tolerate another human tragedy, while Turkey is capable of preventing it.
Turkish Government (Cumhurbaşkanlığı Genel Sekreterliği)
06689 Çankaya, Ankara
Tel : (+90 312) 470 23 08
Fax : (+90 312) 470 13 16
Turkish Parliament
TBMM 06543 Bakanlıklar Ankara / TÜRKİYE
For your comments and suggestions
+90 (312) 420 67 52/420 51 49
Europe House
32 Smith Square, London SW1P 3EU
+44 / (0)20 7227 4300 , +44 / (0) 20 7227 4302

The Organization for Emancipation of Women (RahaiZan)
December 15th 2014

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